My 10 Favorite Frugal Living Tips For 2020

My Favorite Frugal Living Tips For 2020

Being frugal might be a necessity or a choice. It may be that you have bills that you are struggling with, or maybe you just want to live in a more simple, planet-friendly way. Whatever the reason, frugality doesn’t have to mean living a miserable, deprived life. Let me give you some of the frugal living tips you can try too.

Ready Lets go.

Here are some of my favorite frugal living tips; ten easy ways that you can save money while also improving the quality of your life.

1. Buy second-hand clothes

If you spend a lot of money on fashion items, then shopping second hand will mean a lot of savings. Remember that the fashion industry has one purpose and one purpose only.

The industry wants to part you from your hard-earned money by convincing you that you will look and feel foolish if you aren’t wearing the absolutely latest item.

Ask yourself, are you really that shallow?

Second-hand clothes don’t have to be frumpy and dull. In fact, you can find some amazing bargains if you go about it the right way.

One good plan is to shop at small charity shops in wealthy areas. You’ll be amazed by the things which people give away.

Only last week I found a beautiful Vera Wang top for just $2, which looked as if it had never been worn.

It gave me more pleasure than if I’d spent hundreds of dollars on it.

The thrill of the hunt replaces the rather empty exercise of handing over a lot of cash for the latest must-have item.

Choose classic styles that are timeless, or invent a wild and unique style all of your own! Buying second-hand clothes is one of our key frugal living tips.

2. Buy second-hand everything!

It doesn’t just have to be clothed; you can buy just about everything second hand. Thrift stores, auctions, eBay, Craig’s List and the like offer fantastic bargains.

However, remember that you are a thrifty shopper, so buy the best quality you can afford, even second hand.

Quality items will last longer and give you more satisfaction.

And of course, try to buy what you need, and not what you want.

If you are looking for frugal living tips, this is one of the philosophies you really need to follow.

3. Get free books

There are loads of sources of free books online.

If you are a member of Amazon Prime, you can borrow up to ten books at a time, including hot and current titles, classics, reference books and more.

Sites like Freebooksy and Bookbub offer thousands of free books daily.

You have to kiss a lot of froggy books before you find a handsome prince that you really want to read, but most keen readers learn to spot the gems among the rubbish, and there are some truly excellent freebies out there.

When it comes to frugal living tips, this one actually gives you an improved quality of life, compared to buying those expensive new books.

4. Cook from scratch

Buying ready-made food is both expensive and bad for your health.

Many people grow up unable to cook, and thinking of it as a mysterious and difficult skill.

However these days, with so many cooking shows and YouTube guides, everyone can learn to cook basic meals.

Yes, it takes a little time, but the results will be satisfying, healthy, economical and delicious.

One of the most challenging frugal living tips, get it right and this one will save you a ton of money.

5. Don’t buy in or eat out

This is a hard one, as we all have those days when it’s so much easier to call up a pizza or head out to our favorite eatery.

If you know you are liable to weaken when it comes to picking up the phone and ordering dinner, keep some of your favorite items in the freezer.

One of my favorite frugal living tips is to buy a plain frozen pizza for my freezer, and keep favorite add-on ingredients in the refrigerator.

Olives, anchovies, garlic, pepperoni, ham, tuna, pineapple and more can be added to that plain and simple pizza to make it extra delicious, at a fraction of the price you’d pay for a delivered pizza.

6. Don’t buy fancy coffee

It’s nice to buy an extravagant coffee when we are on the run to and from work or feel that we need a treat.

Personally I love to have a pumpkin spice latte from time to time, or a bar of lovely hot chocolate loaded down with cream in the winter.

Yet for the price of a fancy coffee, you can buy the ingredients for a whole meal!

Not buying fancy expensive coffee is one of my top frugal living tips.

7. Buy in bulk

One of the best known frugal living tips is that it’s always more economical to buy large sizes, but if you don’t have the money to buy those large packs of commodity items like toilet tissue, why not buddy up with friends and share?

Make sure that whatever you buy can be stored safely and used before the best before date, or you will end up with waste, and waste is the enemy of the frugal!

8. Clip coupons

Yes, it makes you feel like your granny, but clipping coupons makes all kinds of sense.

It’s one of the most long-standing frugal living tips in our family.

However, you should only clip coupons for things that you actually need and use, or you end up buying the stuff you don’t really want just because it’s cheap.

9. Walk don’t ride

Wherever you can, leave the car behind.

This is one which I personally find very hard – I can always argue that I don’t have time to walk, or the weather looks uncertain, or I have things to carry. (This last excuse is actually reasonable).

Walking is not only money-saving, but it’s also excellent for your health and wellbeing.

This is one of my frugal living tips which comes with extra benefits!

10 Train your kids to be frugal too

We can all manage to be more frugal, but when it comes to our kids, well, we want them to have the best.

One of my favorite frugal living tips is to engage the children in your family in the frugal way of life. Teach them to value having fewer toys, but of better quality.

Encourage them to enjoy free things, like museum visits, storytelling, time spent with friends, simple board games and books, camping out in the back yard, over fancy toys.

Make it fun, and they will be on your side.

You may also want to read on: How To Make Quick Money In One Day. No Bluff Really works.

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